16 July 2008


Clint and I rode down to the Mexican border to drop off a bunch of gorgeous young horses to Oscar, who sends them to his brother in Mexico. The horses all had great breeding or great color. These images are of some guys who were unloading "killers" bound for the slaughterhouses in Mexico. They taking no care in letting the horses off the trailer.

Somehow, the mother of all horse-wrecks occurred. It was a five horse pile-up. Two of them are on the bottom. Each horse had a limb or something through the fence. One of them had a bar stuck in his mouth, like a bit. He was bleeding out his mouth.

In the top picture, Clint was climbing up there to seperate them a little bit and drive some of the ones of top backwards.

Eventually, they had to get a crowbar to open the latch. The horses all spilled out and walked away.

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