16 December 2008

Rural fun.

Yes, this really happened.

Varying the shot

Here's a lesson I'm working on: varying the shot. I've heard it from editors and portfolio reviewers, from photogs whose work I respect. Sometimes an image is not just right...and it has to do with the perspective. So I went through my stories looking for something that shows a variety of perspectives. I was searching for a photo essay that contained three: the long shot, the medium shot, and the close up.

The long shot is an establishing shot that shows much of the whole setting. Providing context, I guess? Here's my entry:

Next is the medium shot, showing the interaction of a few items. Below is my medium shot attempt, but I'm not sure it qualifies...it's the horse hooves interacting with the arena floor? Let me know what you think.

Finally, the close-up.

25 November 2008

Mexican rodeo

These pictures are kinda old, but they are still interesting. Taken in Saltillo, Mexico at a rodeo. It was a pretty cool event because I got to be up close to the bucking chutes, even sitting up on top of them to take pics. The bulls were so huge it was very surreal to watch people tie themselves on to them.

23 November 2008

Iowa mule trainer

Iowa Auction

A girl explains her pony to an interested Amish buyer.